The thirdweb CLI comes with a command called deploy; accessible from the /contracts directory by running the following command:

yarn deploy

This command will perform the following:

  1. Find all smart contracts from the /contracts directory
  2. Compile the smart contracts using Hardhat
  3. Generate a URL for you to deploy them via the browser

From the browser, you can choose any EVM chain to deploy to or input the information for a custom chain using the thirdweb dashboard.

Using A Local Network (Optional)

When you’re testing out your smart contracts, you can use free test networks like Polygon’s Mumbai, Ethereum’s Sepolia, or any other EVM-compatible test network.

These are great for testing, but sometimes they’re a little slower than you’d like.

You might prefer using a local network that allows you to deploy the smart contracts to your local machine and still connect to them from the /application directory. The local network has a few benefits:

  • Near instant transaction times
  • Easy access to test funds
  • Faster iteration cycles

The suggested approach to this is to open a third terminal in your IDE; responsible for running your local network, by running the following command (from the /contracts directory):

yarn run-node

This will allow you to deploy smart contracts to your local node, by using the yarn deploy command, and selecting Localhost as the chain to deploy to on the thirdweb dashboard.