Smart contracts are located in the /contracts folder. The template comes with a barebones Greeter smart contract, written in Solidity.

The general flow you’ll follow when writing smart contracts is:

  1. yarn build: Compile your smart contracts with Hardhat.
  2. yarn test: Run your smart contract tests with Hardhat.
  3. yarn deploy: Deploy your smart contracts to any EVM chain from the browser.

OpenZeppelin & thirdweb Solidity SDK

thirdweb’s Solidity SDK comes pre-installed for you to use and inherit from.

This includes the logic for the most common patterns and standards in the EVM ecosystem; including ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, staking, permissions, and more.

Open Zeppelin contracts is a dependency of thirdweb’s Solidity SDK, so a number of the Open Zeppelin contracts are also available for you to use via the thirdweb Solidity SDK; although you can install Open Zeppelin contracts directly if you prefer.