A brief explanation of each file in the EVM Kit project.

The project has three root folders:

├── contracts
├── application
└── .vscode


Smart contract code.

├── contracts          # Directory to store Solidity contracts
│   └── Greeter.sol    # An example Solidity contract
├── test               # Directory for test scripts for testing contracts
│   └── Greeter.ts     # An example test script for the Greeter contract
├── hardhat.config.ts  # Hardhat configuration file
├── package.json       # Dependencies and scripts for working with contracts
├── tsconfig.json      # TypeScript configuration file


The frontend application.

├── components          # Directory for reusable components
│   ├── Navbar.tsx      # Example hand-made component
│   └── ui              # Directory for shadcn/ui CLI generated components
        ├── button.tsx      # Component made by shadcn CLI
        ├── checkbox.tsx    # Component made by shadcn CLI
│   └── demo            # Directory for showcasing functionality
│       ├── ContractInteraction.tsx  # Contract interaction showcase
│       ├── DecentralizedStorage.tsx # Decentralized storage showcase
│       ├── UserAuthentication.tsx   # User authentication showcase
│       └── WalletConnection.tsx     # Wallet connection showcase
├── const               # Directory for constant values
│   ├── chains.ts       # Chain constants
│   └── contracts.ts    # Smart contract address constants
├── lib                 # Directory for shared utility functions
│   └── utils.ts        # Utility functions for shadcn/ui
├── pages               # Directory for Next.js pages
│   ├── _app.tsx        # Wrapper component around all pages
│   ├── api             # Server-side API routes
│   │   ├── auth        # thirdweb auth API container
│   │   │   └── [...thirdweb].ts # thirdweb Auth catch all API Route
│   │   └── secret.ts   # Restricted server-side route
│   └── index.tsx       # Home page
├── styles              # Container for global css configuration
│   └── globals.css     # Global css configuration file
├── components.json     # shadcn/ui component configuration file
├── postcss.config.js   # Required for Tailwind CSS
├── postinstall.mjs     # Runs thirdweb generate with your secret key after npm install
├── tailwind.config.js  # Tailwind CSS configuration file
├── thirdweb.json       # thirdweb Generate configuration file
├── tsconfig.json       # TypeScript configuration file
├── next-env.d.ts       # TypeScript declaration file for Next.js
├── next.config.js      # Next.js configuration file
├── package.json        # Dependencies and scripts for working with the application


IDE settings and configuration.

├── extensions.json  # Recommended VS Code Extensions
└── settings.json    # VS Code settings for this project