EVM Kit uses a CLI to clone a template repository onto your local machine.

Pre-requisites: You will need Node.js, npm, Yarn, and Git installed on your machine to use the CLI.

1/ Create the Project

Run the command below to get started:

npx evmkit@latest create my-evmkit-app

Open the project in Visual Studio Code. The repository comes with a set of recommended extensions for building web3 apps; when you open the project, VS Code will prompt you to install them. For the best IDE experience, it’s recommended to install these extensions.

2/ Get a thirdweb API Key

Create a (free) thirdweb API key using the thirdweb dashboard. Once created, copy the Client ID and Secret Key values presented to you.

At the root of the application directory in your EVM Kit project, create a copy of the .env.example file and name the file .env.

Set the NEXT_PUBLIC_THIRDWEB_API_KEY and THIRDWEB_SECRET_KEY values in the .env file to the values you copied from the thirdweb dashboard:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_THIRDWEB_API_KEY is the Client ID value.
  • THIRDWEB_SECRET_KEY is the Secret Key value.

3/ Install Dependencies

The application is split into two directories, application, and contracts; for the frontend and smart contracts respectively.

The recommended way to use the IDE for this setup is to open a new split terminal inside your VS Code window; one for each directory. This way, you can work simultaneously on the frontend and smart contracts.

First, install the dependencies for each directory. See the sections below for more information:

  1. application - setup the frontend application
  2. contracts - setup the smart contracts


# 1. Change directory to the application folder
cd application

# 2. Install dependencies

# 3. Start the application
yarn dev


# 1. Change directory to the contracts folder
cd contracts

# 2. Install dependencies

# 3. Build the contracts (optional)
yarn build

You’ll now be able to view your application at http://localhost:3000.